Hidradenitis Suppurativa non stop start to the new year.

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Hello everyone my Hidradenitis Suppurativa is going nuts again. I have a brand new location. Right now I have a big flair up in my waist are right where my pants buckle. Man this thing is painful. It did start leaking yesterday and of course while I was sleep and it got everywhere. Man I hate this hs so much!

2 responses to “Hidradenitis Suppurativa non stop start to the new year.”

  1. Stacey Avatar

    Yes, this is a common area to get boils and it has to be due to the friction. I used to get them there too, but had a tummy tuck and luckily have not had any since.

    I think I’m going to start keeping a food diary and a log of flare ups to see if a pattern evolves, because as of now and throughout the years, it’s just been pretty random.

    Just wondering if you’ve tried something like this to determine what might trigger your outbreaks?

    1. hshelp Avatar

      Hello I have tried all kinds of diets. In my case nothing works. I can go two months without a big flare than bam. I have been having flare ups the last 2 months straight. But yes over the years I did try every diet.

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